Finding the Courthouse

All of our trials will take place in the Franklin County Court of Common Pleas at 345 South High Street. However, we need to enter and exit through the Franklin County Government Center Pavilion, which is located at 365 South High Street. This entrance is the only one that will be available for both entering and exiting the courthouse. Team Registration, Opening Ceremonies, and Closing Ceremonies will all take place in the Pavilion. Once inside, signs will direct you through a tunnel under South Mound Street to the courthouse.

Everyone entering the courthouse will need to pass through security. Please bring a valid form of identification to ensure this process goes smoothly. Security would like to remind individuals to avoid bringing scissors, wearing large metal belts, and carrying any additional contraband. Furthermore, it may take a while to get through security, so please make sure to budget a reasonable amount of time to ensure that your program is on time to all of the trials and ceremonies.

For a link to find directions from where you are, please click here